This article of mine was published in Hindu Business Line yesterday on March 14, Link . Haven't written something exclusively for this blog in this year but working on an interesting concept (a little philosophical though) that would need extensive development, so posting on this blog would be the first step.
With the budget
and the RBI economic policy coming up, this week would see both the fiscal and
monetary policy in action and thus could end up sealing this year’s economic
course. The RBI has already made its move with a 75 basis point CRR cut, however
the more critical action on interest rate is needed now and at the same time
the government should show some teeth by cutting back on its ultra-loose fiscal
policy stance by bringing its expenditure under control, perhaps it is too much
to expect from the besieged but certainly that is what is needed to rejuvenate
the faltering Indian growth engine.
The RBI has
already cut the CRR by 125 bps in the last two months. To put this into perspective
of how grave things are; a CRR cut of this magnitude or more has been witnessed
only twice before in the past decade, once during 2001 post Sep 9/11 and the
second during the financial crisis of 2008 post the Lehman collapse.
Certainly there
is some seasonality to the liquidity issues involved but what should not be
missed are two serious structural underpinnings; slowdown in private sector credit
growth and slowdown in the growth of forex reserves in the past two quarter.
Ever since the end
of financial crisis of 2008 the private credit growth started to recover but
unlike in earlier times in the past 2 decades this was accompanied by an
increase in the government credit growth as well.
As can be seen
in the graph; since 2009 unlike previously whenever private credit growth
started to take off the government credit growth used to taper off thus enabling
the country to tread on the path of high growth with moderate inflation (the
golden period from 2003-2007 as can be seen in the graph). However post 2009 both
the private sector and the government sector credit have seen a rapid increase,
unforeseen in the last two decades.
The government
credit growth has largely been as a result of its re-distributionist policies
that is causing serious misallocations of capital and not having much of an
effect in increasing the real supply, thus reducing the economic productivity.
This has resulted into a near double digit inflation for the past 2 years.
The RBI with all
its good intention tried to reign on this unabated credit growth and thus the
inflation with the increase in the interest rates. Unfortunately the fiat
monetary system that we are living in is like an inverted pyramid scheme which
implies that even a moderate slowdown in the credit growth can cause severe
stress in the system. So as a result of the increase in the interest rates by
the RBI the private sector credit is only expected to grow by 16% this fiscal
compared to 21% last year making it harder for the borrowers to service the
debt and thus contributing to the liquidity stress but at the same time the
government credit growth which is the real source of inflation continues
unabated (expected to be around 25% this year).
The slowdown in forex
inflows in the last year and the severe fall in the rupee that made the RBI to
intervene in the forex markets has been another source of stress in the system
that has resulted in the slowdown in the increase of base money.
The only way to
get out of this mess and at the same time to keep a lid on the inflation is for
the country to play a three tune symphony by again attracting substantial forex
inflows especially in the form of FDI, reduce government expenditure and
increase private credit. Hence on the fiscal front it is critical that the
government in this budget presents a credible plan in cutting down on its
expenditure and at the same time show its resolve to improve the investment
climate in the country thus attracting the forex inflows. This would help in
improving the stock of base money and maintain the value of the rupee.
On the monetary
front this should be accompanied by rate cuts by the RBI, this would translate
into higher private credit growth and in turn higher economic growth rate and thus
the relieving stress in the system.